
Mt. Zion Middle School offers Band classes to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and Advanced Band classes to 7th and 8th graders. The Eagle Band program has seen significant growth over the past few years and offers many diverse opportunities for musical performance across a spectrum of ensembles.
The Eagle Band program puts on several performances a year as well as performing at District VII South Large Group Performance Evaluation every year. Every year, there are 8th graders who are full members of the Mt. Zion High School Marching Eagle Band and 7th graders who participate as junior members of the Marching Eagle Band. 7th and 8th grade students are also allowed to audition and perform with the Mt. Zion High School "Flock of Eagles" Basketball Pep Band, Mt. Zion High School Indoor Percussion Ensemble, and the Mt. Zion Middle School Concert Percussion Ensemble.
7th and 8th grade band members are also involved in multiple Honor ensembles. Each year, many students travel to audition against other middle school students from surrounding counties for a spot in the District VII Honor Band and possibly the Georgia All-State Honor Band. Many MZMS students also participate in the Carroll County Honor Band each year with students from the 5 other middle schools in Carroll County.
The Mt. Zion Middle School Eagle Band program seeks to offer a wide variety of opportunities for musical excellence and instill great moral values, discipline, and integrity in Mt. Zion's young people.

Mr. Ansaldo is in his seventh year of teaching at Mount Zion Middle School - Carroll County. He left his hometown of LaGrange, GA to study Music Education at the University of West Georgia and, after graduating, began his career at Mt. Zion. He also completed his Master's Degree in Tuba Performance at the University of West Georgia while teaching at MZMS. In his time at Mt. Zion, the middle school band has seen consistent growth in both number and musical ability.
Mr. Ansaldo enjoys playing, composing, and arranging music in his own time as well as reading, playing video games, and spending time with his wife, son, and cat.